Setting your very own, unique to you, photography business goals means so much more than establishing a finish line. To be successful, we need a plan that involves tools, resources, and motivation to keep moving full speed ahead. We need to understand WHY we are relentlessly pursuing our dreams and exactly what’s at stake if we hit our mark! Are you ready?
The parties are over.
The confetti swept away. The last of the New Years resolutions have faded. This is that moment when it gets real. The year is young and your aspirations are high. All feels new. All feels right. All feels possible… but it’s up to you to choose.
Will you be setting your photography business goals this year?
Or, will you let your dreams fade with each passing day? I hope you plan on moving forward with your photography business goals and turning those long-time dreams into a promising (and prosperous!) business this year!
As a trained teacher, goal setting is something that was wired into the very fiber of my being. Teaching a new lesson? Set a goal. Have new technology in your classroom? Set a goal. Need your students to meet a state standard? Set a goal. It was all worthwhile…. but if I’m being honest, it wasn’t very fulfilling. Can you relate?
Not because setting goals (or even resolutions) themselves are bad. Far from it. The problem is that most goals are set before the vision is fully realized. Meaning, if you’re setting a goal without taking the time to investigate what truly matters to you, what motivates you and what it will take to accomplish that goal… you’ll most likely fail. And ain’t nobody got time for that.
There are three essential questions you must ask before even beginning to think about writing a goal.
What is your Why?
Your “why” is the reason you’re doing what you’re doing. I remember learning to start a fire at Girl Scout camp the first time. When those first flames burst out, it was pure magic! I felt powerful. I felt strong. I felt unstoppable… until the flames started to dwindle and I needed something more than excitement to keep the fire going. And, my sweet sparkly photographer, you are the same. You need more than words on a piece of paper to keep you motivated. Spending time exploring your heart and examining your priorities can help give you that mental clarity and focus.
The sparkly photographers on my email list have been using that word graphic above as part of their inspiration for this process. I guarantee, if you take a quick glance at those words, a handful are going to immediately resonate with your heart. Those words, my friend, are your why.
2. What is your Purpose?
Regardless of your spiritual beliefs, you know there are certain things you’re REALLY good at…. and certain things that are better left to other people. (Can I get an amen?!) These things are called giftings and everyone has them. My husband can make a mean pancake breakfast, while I tend to burn those fluffy circles of joy and anything I put in a crockpot (who does that?!). What makes this even more hilarious is that I have no problem making beef wellington and creme brûlée…. two tasks that require more concentration and focus. Know thyself, right?
No matter if it’s in the kitchen, behind the camera, or in a group of people YOU have certain skill sets that make you amazing at certain things. You need to spend some time, even if it feels narcissistic, writing down your strengths and finding your purpose in life. Once you have a clearer vision for your purpose, you can better align your goals to be sure that they match with your life’s story and direction.
This question is a tricky one, but it lends SO MUCH insight into the goal setting process! Sometimes we set a lofty finish line, totally enamored with how it sparkles and shines… but failing to see everything it will take to actually achieve that goal. You need to do some deep soul searching to find out what you’re willing to sacrifice, how hard you’re willing to work, and exactly what it will take to make your dream a reality.
Goal are more than words on paper – they’re a dream with a deadline. Ask yourself that honest question, “am I willing to do whatever it takes?” If the answer is yes, then give yourself a deadline and start making it happen.
Are you ready to start the journey?
If you’re ready to take yourself seriously, I would LOVE to help you have your best year yet; and, of course, that starts with setting your photography business goals (LIKE A BOSS!) This free coaching only happens via email and I’d love for you to be a part of my fabulous Sparkle Society community!
Click here to make it happen and I’ll also send you a free mini-workshop with the answers to the five questions you MUST ask before starting your business! It’s designed for ladies just starting out or in their first year of business, so I know you’re going to love it!
Setting your photography business goals doesn’t have to be difficult or scary. Together, we’re gonna make this happen! Let me help you sparkle and shine online!
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